Monday 29 October 2012

To Develop the Gifts of our Students October 29, 2012

Just last week we had a meeting at the school and discussed some very important items as we look to enhance Christian education at our school.  Once again, I had the opportunity to talk about the mission of this school and how we are using it as a filter for our decisions and establish direction.   Last week we looked at the first part of the mission that highlighted a quality, Christ-centered education.  This week we will look at the second part of our mission which says we are  to develop the gifts of God’s children.  Each of us are made in God’s image and, quite frankly, that is the reason we have value.  Since we believe this at DCCS it is important to also recognize that each student is a unique creation with different needs and learning styles.  We look to find ways to develop the gifts of our students and to provide forums for them to respond.  Students should be supported as they unwrap the different gifts God has given them: intellectual, social, spiritual, physical, and aesthetic.  We want to develop these gifts to enable our students to respond to God’s call for their lives and to worship Him.   To God be the glory. ~Mr. Bouwers 


Monday 22 October 2012

Christ Centred Education October 22, 2012

Christ-Centred Education

In the mission statement there is a very small phrase that is a very big part of education at DCCS.  The first part of the mission is to provide a quality, Christ-Centred education.   The fact that we provide a Christ-Centred education is, I am sure, not a surprise to most.  Even so, it is worth mentioning because it is so closely tied to our identity.   Every education model is tied to an ideology and expresses faith in something. At DCCS we educate our children from a Christian perspective in each of the subjects.  It is not a matter of adding a few Bible verses that may relate to the content.  We strive to have our teachers engaging our students in biblical themes and from a solid biblical worldview.  Christ is at the centre of each subject.  At times I have been asked, “Well isn’t math still math in the public school system?  Isn’t 2+2 still 4?” I think the answer is yes, math is still math in the public schools because the Lord is Lord of all.  The bigger question may be, why is 2+2 always 4?  We ask you to pray for our teachers who work at making these connections in the classrooms and to God’s creation with and for our students. 

Monday 15 October 2012

Kindness and the ill fitted garment October 15, 2012

Kindness – The ill fitted garment
We all have a piece of clothing that we have to wear during special occasions that we just do not really enjoy putting on.  For me it can be a tight fitting tie.  Thinking specifically of Hockey players and what they wear we can see even more evidence of this.  Professional hockey players loved to play the game without helmets.  Now it is mandated that they wear this protective gear.  It may not always be comfortable but it is necessary.  I think some of us view kindness in the same way.   It is something that can work against our sense of self referenced justice.  It is one thing to expect kindness from others but to extend kindness to all those around us is not an easy task.  It is important to realize that we need to continually ask for the Spirit to be working in us and through us so that the ill fitted garment of kindness will seem like a more natural fit.    We seek to, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”  Ephesians 4:32.  It is my prayer that we will ever increase in kindness so that we will exhibit a caring culture of Christ at this school. 

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Praise and Thanksgiving Tuesday, October 9th, 2012

Praise and Thanksgiving

What’s our reaction to receiving gifts?  When we really take the time to reflect on the gifts God has blessed us with what is our reaction?  It is one thing to marvel at the gifts and enjoy them. It is good to do so but if we were to stop there I believe we would fall short.  The Lord does not grant us good gifts so that we can say, “Hey, look at all these gifts!”  We should be thinking also of the giver of the gifts, spending time in thanks and living out a thankful response.  We can be thankful for the gift itself but also the love that it symbolizes.  When we meditate on that love, especially the love exhibited in Jesus Christ, we will desire to live out our thanks and use our gifts for the building of God’s kingdom.  In  I Chronicles 29:10-13 David is giving from his treasury for the building of the temple.  He praises God with his gifts and acknowledges that it all came from the Lord anyways.  Let this also be our prayer during this Thanksgiving season:
“Praise be to you, O Lord,
    God of our father Israel,
    from everlasting to everlasting.
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power
    and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
    for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom;
    you are exalted as head over all.
Wealth and honor come from you;
    you are the ruler of all things.
In your hands are strength and power
    to exalt and give strength to all.
Now, our God, we give you thanks,
    and praise your glorious name.

Monday 1 October 2012

Kindness Follows Compassion October 1, 2012

We continue to take a look at the school theme for the year, Colossians 3:12-14.  For the first month we focussed on compassion and that relates well to the second attribute of kindness.  We know that even as we look at each aspect individually it remains part of the whole.  It is a complete set of clothes that are visible not just one or two items.  With compassion there is a deep desire to alleviate the suffering we see as a result of living in a broken world.  With kindness we move to a hope for the welfare of others, those who are suffering and those who are not.  We are preparing our students for a life of Christian service; a life that is marked with compassion and kindness.  For our students to be transformed by this we need to provide opportunities for them to live out compassion and kindness at the school.  Each day provides them with the chance to do this in the classroom, on the playground, in the hallways and on the bus.  As we look beyond these walls the students are called to participate in a food drive to exhibit the compassion and kindness that has been shown to them through Christ.   Please allow and encourage your sons and daughters to experience the call to serve others through the food drive and in the school.  ~Mr. Bouwers