Wednesday 11 November 2015

Discerning the Spirits November 9th, 2015

This month we are looking at the thread Spirit Discerning that God weaves through his creation and created order.  As we mentioned las week, we are called to test the spirits of the age.  We want our students to be challenged to identify and discern the idols of our time and to respond as God would call them to. We were created to worship God and if we are not worshipping Him then we are worshipping something or someone else.  We want our students to understand that God is to be the most important to us, not other “things”.  God is more important than other things, and we understand that.  In discerning the idols of our time we realize that it is not just things.  We come across different values, belief systems and alternate worldviews in our studies.  Christian education should be concerned with pointing out the values that surround various topics and compare and contrast that to a Christian worldview.   It is one of the most difficult tasks but one of the most important as well.  We ask you to continue to pray for our staff at PCS and that God would grant them the wisdom they need to speak about discernment with our children.  ~Mr. Bouwers

Monday 26 October 2015

A Heritage of Faith Oct. 26, 2015

“One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty and I will meditate on your wonderful works. They tell of the power of your awesome works and I will proclaim your great deeds.” Psalm 145:4-6

The room was buzzing with activity, people gathered around tables excited to get together and anticipating what was in store for them.  The grandparents came pouring in and it was as if we were bursting at the seams.  Grandparents’ day is a very exciting and special day at our school.  We got to explore how God’s story and our story intersect.  Also, how the Grandparents’ story and the story of PCS entwine. And we shared examples how the students’ story is wrapped up in all of those stories.  God’s threads run through all of them.  It weaves together to shape a beautiful picture of community.  This multi-generational event demonstrates the truth we read in Psalm 145:4-6.  

Part of this passage was on a t-shirt that our family wore for the family reunion this summer.  It was a blessing to see my aunts, uncles, mom and dad, cousins, grandma and our little family wearing these shirts.  It is part of our heritage of faith.  This heritage is alive and well and we had a chance to celebrate that this weekend.  We met with family and friends to celebrate mom and dad's 45th wedding anniversary.  We are so thankful for their example and testimony in our lives.  

Grandparents, in many cases, are the tangible link to a wonderful, real life example of authentic faith.  We thank God for grandparents and for the role they play in the lives of our students.   Thank you to our grandparents, it was good to see you and we look forward to seeing you again next year.  
~Mr. Bouwers

Monday 19 October 2015

The Work of His Hands - A wasp nest? October 19, 2015

Sometimes things can seem scary at first but upon closer examination they turn out to be a wonder.  The other night a friend and I went out to one of our spruce trees and located a large bald-faced hornets’ nest.  The nest was found this summer and was a hive of activity.  There were times we would just go over and watch all of the black and white marvels coming and going.  The nest got to be about 14 inches across and probably 16-18 inches long.  There were two nests in close proximity to each other.  We took the smaller one apart and saw the multiple layers of hexagonal combs.  It was amazing to see that each layer was surrounded by protective paper made by the wasps.  The nest had vent holes to keep it from getting excessively hot and one main entrance/exit.  From what I read the nest starts very small and grows through the summer as the colony gets larger and larger.  It was a nest of scary size but the inside was so intricate and awe inspiring.  We did our homework regarding the nest to the point that we were confident the nest was dormant when we arrived.  This encounter with the large wasp nest led to a creation enjoying experience.  It led to more investigation and a deeper understanding of God’s creation.  I would have never had known that the Bald-faced hornets eat deer and horse flies in great numbers and I feel that would be a benefit to our family.   To God be the glory ~ Mr. Bouwers

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Thanksgiving and God's Creation Oct. 13, 2015

The stillness of the lake in the morning provided a mirror for the exploding colour.  It seems that the reflection in the water stirs a spirit of reflection in me.  The deep black water, slightly rippled by a gentle breeze, extended an invitation.  I gently launched the canoe into the cold water and rummaged around the storage compartment for the paddles.  Before I could turn to see if there was a willing companion to join me my son came bounding toward the rocky shore asking if he could join me.  The canoe cut through the water as we quietly dipped the paddles below the surface and took in the wonder of God’s creation.  We navigated our way along the dense shoreline noting the evidence of His handiwork.  As we crossed the narrows towards the outcropping of large rocks we could not help but speak out loud about the beauty that surrounded us.  On Thanksgiving weekend I was thankful for this time to encounter the exquisite craftsmanship of the Creator, God’s goodness and blessings, and marvel at the redeeming work of our Lord.  As we steered the vessel back towards the shore my daughter greeted us with a smile and said in an excited voice, “Dad, you and Lucas were being Creation Enjoyers!” And it was at this point that I also gave thanks for the way our school weaves God’s threads into our curriculum.  I became instantly grateful for Providence Christian School, the staff, and the community. ~Mr. Bouwers
“The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.” Ps. 65:8

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Creation Enjoying October 5th, 2015

Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner and the leaves are starting to turn colours. I just received word that there have been no signs of mice activity in the trailer in the near north. It is at this time of harvest and during the fall when leaves start to change that it seems just a little more enticing to go for a walk or possibly snuggle up by a fire. God’s creation is a veritable treasure trove of his artwork. We were created to have community and fellowship with him while enjoying and caring for his creation. This month we will focus on God’s thread of creation enjoying. We want our students to celebrate and discover God’s beautiful creation using all of the senses. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hand.” ~ Psalm 19. Take time to read all of Psalm 19 sometime this week and then rejoice in the gift of God’s creation, meditate on His word, and sing songs of praise. ~ Mr. Bouwers

God’s Threads: God Worshippers September 28, 2015

We are worshipers. It is woven into the fabric of who we are. God designed us to worship and fellowship with Him. We can fall short of celebrating and worshiping God for who He is, what He has done and is doing and all that He has created. In reality, we are called to stand in awe and wonder of our great God and to grow in the grace and knowledge of our triune God. The phrase, “All of life is worship,” should ring true. Worshipping God is not limited to songs we sing, prayers we pray, and sermons we hear. These are definitely to be included but there is so much more. God created perfect order and shalom. In that perfect order, all glory belongs to God. In doing our work, we are called to do it for the Lord as joyful acts of service. You see, to serve God is to worship. God gave us this world to enjoy, to play in, to explore. We worship God when we enjoy the delicate complexity of an insect’s life cycle and a spiralled sea shell, or the immense awe of a super-moon lunar eclipse, and discoveries throughout His universe. We worship God also when we work, when we stand in awe and when we give Him all the glory. ~ Mr. Bouwers

Woven Together, Sculpted by Him September 21, 2015

In 1464 the statue of David was commissioned. The artist was Agostino and in two years’ time he had but carved a few rough pieces. Ten years later, Rossellino was commissioned to take up the work where someone had left off. The project could not get off of the ground. In 1501 Michelangelo was commissioned to complete the statue. Just over a year later, on September 13, 1502 he started his work and he completed the statue just over two years later. All of these facts you can read for yourself on the internet. What strikes me is how long it took for the completion of the project. A six tonne slab of marble sat for over 35 years until Michelangelo worked steadily at his masterpiece. “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.” ~Michelangelo. Do you ever marvel at how God has woven you together? How He has sculpted you? In Ephesians 2:10 it states that we are God’s masterpiece, His handiwork, yes, His workmanship. A masterpiece is a work of outstanding artistry, skill or workmanship and a representation of the artist’s best work. That is what we are, God’s best work through the redeeming work of Jesus. That is who our teachers are. That is who our children are. C.S. Lewis said, “We are, not metaphorically but in very truth, a Divine work of art, …it is natural for us to wish that God had designed for us a less glorious and less arduous destiny; but then we are wishing not for more love but for less.” God has crafted us as His masterpiece so let us take time to marvel in that truth Today. ~Mr. Bouwers

Borrowed Prayers - September 14, 2015

In reading a few dedication prayers for the upcoming school year, I thought I would put some thoughts together for the start of another amazing year serving in His school. This is a combination of other people's thoughts and words.  Sometimes other people who have gone before can just say it better or capture how you feel in that moment.  The Anglican tradition of having a book of prayers is something I have admired.  I do wish I had a copy of that book to reference at different time in my life.  Just because they are borrowed prayers does not change the meaningfulness in which I include them in my prayer life.  ~Mr. Bouwers

Powerful and almighty God, You are an amazing God! We come before You at the start of another school year in praise and petition for Providence Christian School. You've had a plan for these children since before time began, and You’ve known that our lives would weave together this year. Please give us the gift of Your Spirit so we may discern their needs and how they can be met. Show us what is needed to teach Your little ones, Your masterpieces, and develop the gifts that You've given them. Let our enthusiasm be evident every day, because our joy comes from knowing You. Jesus, You are ever-faithful and unchanging. Fill us with Your strength and perfect peace each morning to carry us throughout each day. Put a genuine smile on our faces and help us to be as patient and loving with Your children as You have been with us. Surround us with supportive, positive influences and help us to speak only truth and light so that others will consistently see You in us. We dedicate this school year to You: Let Your name triumph over all competing forces. We thank You for giving us Your Word so we have a place to turn, a compass to guide us and a foundation to build upon. Thank you for filling us with the passion and enthusiasm that can only come from having the gift of Your Spirit. May Your name be glorified in everything that happens here as Your mercies are made new each morning. We put this year in Your hands because there are no better or more faithful hands to put them in. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen

September 8, 2015 God's Threads: Woven Together

Welcome back to another school year and the exciting next steps in God’s plan for our lives. Isn’t that really what it is all about, God’s plan for our lives? Through each season of our lives God, the Great Artisan, pulls and weaves the threads to create a beautiful tapestry. The thread of your life, for a time, is woven together with mine. We know in His providence that he is the grand designer and master craftsman. The thread of your life pulled through and guided to represent the handiwork of our Creator God. You are a masterpiece of His…. I can take a step back, even now, and see how instrumental God is in this time and in this place. We welcome and enfold new students and families that are now woven into our community. I cherish the tapestry. As the threads entwine we rest in the knowledge that as we respond to God’s call, He will continue to work for the good of those who love Him. I am so very thankful for the intersection of our lives as we work together to serve our amazing God. “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10.

May God continue to bless our paths, light our way and prompt us to follow Him. I pray He holds you in the palm of His hands and that we would continue to be broken and remade in the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. God's Threads: Woven Together. ~Mr. Bouwers

Monday 8 June 2015

Lessons from the Inbox June 8, 2015

In my inbox each morning, I receive the Bible verse of the day from  It is a great way to start the day and to view different pieces of scripture.  Today’s verse of the day comes from Habakkuk 3 and it is verse 19:  “The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,  he enables me to tread on the heights…”  This verse comes at the end of Habakkuk’s prayer, the end of this book of the Bible.  It reminds me of the time I used to spend teaching a unit from Habakkuk called “Every Bit of Who We Are.”  In fact, our grade 8 students at Providence also complete this same unit.  In this book of the Bible, Habakkuk is fed up with the injustice around him and pleads for the Lord to do something about it.  God assures him that He will do something about it and that He will use the Babylonians to teach the lesson.  That does not sit well with Habakkuk and he listens to the indictment the Lord brings upon his people.  In closing Habakkuk acknowledges that the Lord is Lord of all things, knowing that in full time God will be the one to make things right.  He says in 3:17-18, “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.”  As we too look around at the injustice in our world and we struggle to understand it, I can echo what I hear from Habakkuk. Let us keep our eyes focused on God’s sovereignty as we see evidence worldwide of injustice.  Let us rejoice and be joyful in our Lord and Saviour.
~ Mr. Bouwers

The Rain June 1, 2015

Oh what a blessing it was to see the rain over the weekend.  There is something special about the spring rains, albeit a cold rain yesterday.  This rain brought much-needed nourishment to parched soil, life to burgeoning seeds, relief to already blooming plants and cleansing from the dust and pollen that has coated everything outside.  The word that comes to mind is refreshment and with that refreshment a renewed life.  We will be switching seasons this month from spring to summer and in these seasons, we pray for the crops, the seeds, and the refreshing rains to help sustain life. In our classrooms, hallways and on the playgrounds we celebrate the moments in the students’ lives of nourishment, life, flourishing, and cleansing.  Like the plants, we are all in need of the Living Water.  I pray that this month may lead to a downpour of living water for our students and that they may experience each of these things throughout the rest of this school year and beyond. ~Mr. Bouwers

Staff Devotions May 25, 2015

I was reading through Colossians again this morning and the first part of Colossians talks about Jesus as our Lord.  In chapter one, Paul explains in some length that he is praying for those Christians to both encourage and instruct them. At the beginning of each week, as a staff, we gather for staff devotions.  We openly share scripture, thoughts, and concerns together and we place each week in the loving hands of our Heavenly Father.  In our collective prayer we include specific families and students to lay their name before the throne of almighty God.  We pray for each other as a community of faith should.  As we read in Colossians 1, it is my hope that I would continually pray to ask God to fill each of our students with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And pray this in order that we may live a life worthy of the Lord and aim to please Him in every way because He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of light.  Let us continue to pray for each other, the children in our care, and the spread of the gospel everywhere.  ~ Mr. Bouwers

Lessons from the Dandelion May 19, 2015

I read a devotion recently that talked about the good qualities of the dandelion.  I read it right around Mother’s Day and it talked about how many vases would be filled with bouquets of these gifts of yellow and green.  Young children, not as discriminate in regards to flowers, take handfuls and handfuls to their teachers and their moms.  The article went on to site a child asking her mom why their lawn did not have the pretty yellow flowers like the neighbour’s lawn. I can see that these are cute and important reasons to hold the dandelion in high esteem but there are other reasons to like the dandelion.  It is, apparently, very healthy for you when it is used properly with almost every part being beneficial for something (or so says the University of Maryland Despite all of this positive press, I still do not find myself swooning over the dandelion.  That being said I am amazed by them and I think there is even a distinct lesson we can learn from this plant, or pesky weed as some call it.  Dandelions are examples for us in resilience.  If you spend a Saturday plucking these pesky plants from your lawn you can almost guarantee that some will pop up on Sunday.  Dandelions persevere.  Secondly, dandelions spread.  As followers of Christ, we can take their examples of sowing seeds near and far to transform the landscape.  We too are called in all that we do to spread the good news to transform the landscape of our world, of our communities and of our neighbourhoods.  May you persevere this week in sowing the seeds of the Kingdom!  ~ Mr. Bouwers

Springfest! May 11, 2015

 It is so exciting!  I am looking forward to this community event in the heart of Dundas.  Each year, I am amazed at how our school community comes together to host the town of Dundas. Having been there for the past number of years it is good to see some familiar faces and faces of people that I do not know well as they come in from the city of Dundas.  That is the part that is so inspiring to me.  I absolutely love the fact that we are involved with our local town.  It motivates me to encourage our teachers, our classes, and our students to engage the towns surrounding us.  It is one thing to host an event but it would be another thing entirely to incorporate our community engagement into the learning that happens through Providence Christian School.  So come on out this weekend to Springfest and be inspired! ~Mr. Bouwers

Spring Membership Meeting May 4th, 2015

Come on out to the membership meeting tonight.  We will be taking a look at some of the amazing things that are happening at the school and we will be looking forward to next year as well.   We are very thankful for God’s continued faithfulness to the school as evidenced by the community interaction and support.  Membership meetings are a way to share the story of our school.  I am looking forward to the section led by the Community Relations Committee (Promotion Committee).  I had a sneak peek of what they will be presenting and I am excited about how they will share the story.  I will also get the opportunity to share our story with you as well.  The Board of Directors will also be sharing the vision for Christian education at Providence Christian School.  It is an exciting time to be a member of Providence Christian School.  We look forward to sharing the story tonight.  See you there!  ~ Mr. Bouwers

Busy Calendar April 27, 2015

I heard a phrase the other day, the calendar is getting busy.  It may have given me pause to slowly turn my head and peer at our calendar on the wall.  As long as I looked at it, it didn’t move.  It stayed in one spot. Not a shimmy or even a little shake.  It was far from busy.  All joking aside, I know the sentiment behind the statement.  One thing I did notice about the calendar was that it was full.  The calendars may not be busy but we are a busy people. I am sure we are not the only family that is busy with numerous commitments.  I acknowledge that the school calendar has gotten busier this year with a few extra evening or weekend activities.   I take it as a sign of an active learning community and an engaged membership.  As busy as it can get at times, I am thankful for this blessed busyness. We continue with these activities this Wednesday as we have a Spring Arts Festival.  This will be an opportunity for our band, choir and specialty music offerings to have an authentic audience for all of their hard work.  Come on out to this celebration on Wednesday.  Not only will you be treated to the musical offerings of our students but much of their work will be displayed in a “gallery” along the outer walls of the gymnasium.

     The frenetic pace is sometimes interrupted with jarring moments that also ground you.   There were two such events in my life recently.  The devastation in Nepal from the earthquake that took thousands of lives and has left even more than that temporarily displaced.  Our hearts go out to those affected by this tragedy and they remain in our prayers.  I also received word that a former student of mine was in a car crash that left him in critical condition.   It, once again, brought me to that place of prayer and petition.  In the busyness of community we both celebrate and come together as a body of Christ to lift others up in prayer.  May this week be filled with moments that bring us to our knees in prayer bringing us closer as a community and closer to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
~ Mr. Bouwers

Christian Education Week April 20, 2015

We are excited once again to celebrate Christian Education Week at Providence Christian School.  When Christian education was established here in Ontario, back in 1943, the founding members were dedicated to ensuring that what their children were learning was consistent with their beliefs at home and at church.  We still look to partner with Christian families in the education of their children.  We consider it an absolute privilege to share God’s story with so many.  At Providence Christian School we confess that the Lord is Lord of all things and that makes a difference for education.  Christian education is something to be celebrated, it is an intergenerational endeavour.   I want the best for my children growing up.  I whole heartedly believe that Christian education at PCS gives them a firm foundation to develop a personal relationship with God and to step out into God’s big world and live for Him.  I want my children to  think deep into their faith and to be provided opportunities to live out their faith through their learning.  I think about our theme this year, “Shine your light” and I think how fitting it is to come together as a lighthouse and shine our lights out into the community.  How fitting it is that we can bring hope and a measure of healing to a broken world.  Thank you for joining us on the journey. 
~ Mr. Bouwers

Sharing In The Story April 13, 2015

On the weekend we had an opportunity to Share the Story.   We held a Spring Gala at the school and it was truly an amazing evening.  It was a breath taking setting to share the story of our school and see how it is connected to so many different stories, and, ultimately how it is connected to God’s story.  We had a delightful and delicious meal as we enjoyed some melodic morsels playing gently in the background.  During the event we were captivated again by what the Lord is doing at Providence Christian School. We explored together the wonderful truth that the Lord is Lord of all things and that he does not change like shifting shadows.   We tried to relate that to the context in which we live knowing the world we live in is constantly and sometimes rapidly changing.  As we live in this story together there is a reciprocal rootedness that we experience.  We are rooted in our faith but also in community.   We draw life and nourishment from each other through the grace of God.  Community is a vital connectedness that roots us in wisdom and provides the right context for the decisions we make moving into the future.  As we look forward to our next steps we do so with discernment, with a passion for partnering in God’s kingdom work, and a desire to develop the gifts that God has placed in His children.  This is our community; we have that opportunity for connectedness and for living in the story together.  Thank you for partnering with us in Christian education. 
I would like to thank all the families for making the Spring Gala a success.  I am so very thankful for such an amazing and dedicated community.  I would also like to thank the Gala Planning committee, the Fundraising committee, and Providence Catering, in a word; WOW. I would like to personally thank Scott and Liz Heidbuurt for being the emcees and a big thank you to all who attended the event as well. 

Understanding the Cries of their Hearts April 7, 2015

Growing up is tough business.  Adolescence is a time of change and that can be confusing, stressful, as well as exciting for some of our children.  I took some time to reread a Youth Unlimited newsletter that talked about this issue in particular and identified four cries of today’s youth culture.  For the emerging adolescent this time of change affects them to their very core.  It affects them intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally, and morally.  They seek acceptance from their peers, test limits, ride a roller coaster of emotions, and experience gradual, but many, physical changes.  This helps us frame what is going on in their lives.  Paul Robertson, a youth specialist, outlines the four cries of their hearts: the cry of the changing family, of media influence, of seeking truth, and of hopelessness.  In a world with so much change it is so very important to provide anchors for our children.  We cannot dismiss their cries but our lives should speak into those spaces.  Our role at Providence intertwines with the role of the parents as we try to bring a measure of stability that helps students cope with the change and brokenness in families, to question the influence of media, to provide a voice of hope as well as seeking and living truth together.  Studies show that kids can be greatly helped if they are able to draw on five great sources of strength: parents who try to understand themselves, parents who try to understand their kids, a close and caring family, the development of moral beliefs based on truth and a personal, liberating faith.  We pray for our families as a staff each week and we will continue to pray that God will provide you wisdom and inspiration in how to bring about these anchor points for your children.
                ~ Mr. Bouwers

Agents of Hope and Healing March 30, 2015

I received a Cardus publication on my desk just the other day.  Cardus is a Hamilton based think tank that is dedicated to the renewal of North American social architecture. (You can read more about them here:  One of the articles by James K. A. Smith took different snapshots of his 2015 experiences to give a “curated view of the world.”  Throughout these different portraits he highlights brokenness and hope, seeking indications of shalom in the midst of the cries for justice.  This is something I can appreciate and it resonates with me.  Our mission speaks directly to preparing our students for a life of Christian service.  Whenever I hear that phrase, that specific part of the PCS mission I can’t help but allow myself to dream.  I dream about our students bringing about wholeness and well-being in so many different situations. I cannot help but dream that our graduates would be a part of a land slide of justice that brings healing to our land. We want our students to thrive in many ways.  We want them to demonstrate proficiency with necessary understandings and skills, for their work to be meaningful and of high quality, and develop Christ-like character.   Coupled with these elements is a Christian perspective that is interwoven with the curriculum. We aspire to infuse our students’ learning with a Christ-centered approach. This is our story. ~ Mr. Bouwers

Community Math March 24, 2015

It is good to hear the noise of students in the hall once again.  It really adds to the atmosphere of the school building.  This year we have taken the time to review our math curriculum.  Each year there is a different part of our curriculum on review to ensure that we are aligned with what needs to be taught and to evaluate our current program.  We are excited to move forward with an updated program after evaluating the current program, meeting with high school teachers, exploring different options, visiting different schools and putting forward a proposal that addresses the shifts we need to make in our program. 

With math on my mind I thought I would do some “elementary” math to talk about our wonderful school.  MasterCard used this method in their advertising to some degree of success a few years back and continues to run contests with the same moniker.  They would add up a bunch of different elements and call it “Priceless”.  It may look like #PricelessSchool.

178 Sensational Students + 87 Faithful Families
+ 17 Extraordinary Staff Members + 6 Dedicated Bus Drivers
+ Multiple Supporters = 1 Amazing Community!

This is but a short list.  I could go on and on about the Board, the different committees, volunteers, Christian organizations and churches that help make Providence Christian School a beautiful community.  Thank you for doing your part and we look forward to sharing our story in the weeks to come. ~ Mr. Bouwers

Community Lights March 9, 2015

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of attending an event where the principal addressed the attendees.  With inspiration he aligned what they were trying to accomplish with the recognition of the “can do” attitude of the community.  That struck a chord with me, sitting there I could not help but identify with the comment as we too are a can do community.  When I talk with new or potential families I sing the praises of this school society.  It is a think it through, can do, and will do community!  Why is this the case?  I believe that this community is thoroughly invested in supporting all the efforts to fulfill the mission and vision of the school.  When we see opportunities to pour our lives into assisting our students to be faithful contributors in God’s kingdom then we say, “Yes!” and “How?”.    I believe that at the core of this community is a servant’s heart that works hard at glorifying God in all that it does.  It does prompt me to return to our theme verse as this community lets our light shine so that others may see the good deeds and glorify our Heavenly Father. 

The next opportunity you may have to partner with us in Christian education and pour into the lives of our students is to attend or help out with the SpringGala.  It would be great to see full participation as we come together and be the “will do” community I know we are.  I am looking forward to cleaning up, dressing up, and sharing in the story of PCS. Come, share in the story so we can share our story with others.  

Son-shine March 2, 2015

It is an amazing day!  The sun is streaming in and the temperature gauge is on the upswing.  It was a wonderful start to the day weather wise. I had made mention to a few parents this morning that the weather seemed almost tropical.  When the bell rang the students filed into the school and we gathered in cross grade groups, called crews, to discuss the featured Beatitude.  During the chapel this morning the grade 7 class led us to focus on being merciful, “Blessed are the merciful for they will receive mercy.”  It was another opportunity to see how we can let our light shine by being merciful and a merciful community.  When we show mercy to others we are letting the Son shine through us.  The beautiful sunshine this morning and the focused time in chapel reminds us, once again to let our lights shine before others that others may see what’s going on and praise our Father in heaven.   ~ Mr. Bouwers

Perseverance February 23, 2015

At the last staff meeting we had discussions around educational practice that is geared toward student engagement.  I was able to present to the staff regarding my winter residency and the learning that I experienced. It was not just my own learning that I had the chance to reflect on but also the learning I witnessed.  During the residency I had the opportunity to witness various students working towards high quality products with character and perseverance.  Our last PD day in February was also geared around this same theme of perseverance and hard work. In the book “Mindset” by Carol Dweck, she expounds on the benefits of approaching learning through a growth mindset.  It is the idea that through hard work and perseverance that quality work and learning can happen for our students.  I think this is important to keep in mind as we are approaching report card season. My parents always said to me that the marks were secondary.  What they looked at first was the effort.  They looked at this so that they not only knew that I was trying my best but that I was also building in a character trait of perseverance and hard work.  I encourage parents to do the same when receiving this term’s progress reports.  Look at the report and discuss your children’s work habits.  Don’t just praise the achievement, know that the journey to get there is just as, if not more, important.  Learning isn’t always easy, embrace the struggle and grow.  New learning occurs in the brain when we accept challenges and persist even when something is tough.  We want to value learning and growing not just getting it right. 
 ~ Mr. Bouwers

Our Very Nature February 17, 2015

 It was a fiery red ball in the sky just peeking over the horizon when I was pulling into the school this morning.  Now, it is brilliant white light in the sky, bathing the office with its subtle warmth.  That is what it does, its very nature is to produce life-giving light.  The sun’s created purpose is to shine.  I think if we stepped back in awe and wonder of the sun we would find ourselves in a posture of praise to our Father in heaven.  Even when the darkness comes, the sun still shines and its rays still reach and illuminate the surface of the moon.  We are also called to reflect the light of the Son.  Part of this is who we are as image bearers but as image reflectors we need to orientate ourselves towards the Son.  We need to make sure we are in line with God’s call to righteousness.  We want to come to know the love of Jesus, grow in that love and show His love to others.  We want this evident in the learning of our students.  We want our students to produce work that is a blessing to others and to each other.  Grade 2 participated in a community building and uplifting exercise around the theme of loving each other.  Grade 8 students have worked through finding, researching and reporting about organizations in our area that seek to alleviate injustice.  One of the winter enrichment groups focused on service to others and created Valentines for the recipients of Meals on Wheels.  It is part of our created purpose.  We were created to shine.  “Let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”  Matthew 5:16.    ~ Mr. Bouwers

My Soapbox February 9, 2015

I heard a comment recently that what I pen each week, these principal’s ponderings, are mini sermons.  It was said in jest and, I am pretty sure, it was not necessarily a compliment.  That being said, this is the one section that I get to talk each week about something I am passionate about and that is Providence Christian School.  I get to, unapologetically, get up on my soapbox and sing the praises and my support of Christian education.  And, it is something I do, over and over again.  I love this school and the community.  It has had a positive impact on my children and we are so very thankful for the blessing of Christian education.   I do unabashedly support PCS and its mission and vision but it is just words, words, and more words if it is not backed up in the classroom.  We have been talking about letting our lights shine this year as a school theme and I would like to highlight that our staff do that each and every day in their classrooms and at the reception desk.  They may be called sermons but I believe, as the basis of integrating our faith and education, that weaving God’s threads of His story is what we are called to do not only at PCS but in our daily lives.  Join me in sharing the story of our journey with others and may they come to see all these good things and praise our father in heaven.   ~ Mr. Bouwers

Snow Day Awe February 3, 2015

The first big snowfall of winter came through the night Sunday and into Monday.  Families were informed of the snow day and I am sure some parents quietly shut off alarms for their children.  When they did awake they marvelled at the mammoth snow drifts, the bright blanket of white, and the brilliant sunbeams dancing off of the snow. When they did head outside they burrowed into the snow as ground hogs making homes.  Fitting for the day it was.  Our kids were drenched, not only from thawing snowflakes, but in awe and wonder.  Even more so than that, they exhibited a sense of play.  It is this sense of play and awe and wonder that we want to bring to our classrooms as well.  It is our desire to have the students grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We want our students to grow in love through awe and wonder of Him, His creation, and His created order.  Playfully uncovering God’s gifts that He places and hides in the world is a wonderful charge for the Christian school teacher.  We ask you to continue to partner with us as we diligently work to do this at Providence Christian School.  Continue to pray for and offer encouragement to our teachers and we will continue to pray for the parents and students of our community as well.   ~ Mr. Bouwers

Flourishing January 26, 2015

As I settle into this familiar chair once again this morning I am in a bit more of a reflective mood.  The snow is gently falling outside and the school week is about to begin.  Students and parents are well into their morning routines and the busses are on the road by now.  As you know, my own children go to PCS.  I find myself asking, as we all should from time to time, what do I want for my children?  The past week I took time to visit a school that did education a little bit differently.  I was struck by the level of engagement by each student and their ability to speak so positively and in depth about what they were learning and the process they go through.  So, what is it I want for my kids?  I want the same thing for them as I want for the other children in the school.  I want to see flourishing students.  I pray for a flourishing school that is infused with biblical perspective and has a high level of student engagement. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have students from our school spill out into the community with their learning to be a blessing. In turn I am sure that they would also be blessed.  Flourishing students live lives in Christian service while learning about God, His creation and His created order.   
~ Mr. Bouwers

Focus January 12, 2015

Next week Mr. Versteeg and I have the privilege of attending a winter residency to expand our learning.  We will be heading out to visit and learn at a different school so we can continue to explore ways to inspire creative growth for our students at PCS.  Our teaching staff works hard at developing their calling in a way that improves the quality of Christ-centered education.  Through professional development opportunities such as these we have the chance to extend our thinking and practice.  It is our goal to remain focused on the mission of the school to best serve our students.

The Board is also doing their part for the mission and vision of our school.  They are currently gathering information and feedback that will aid them in the formulation of a strategic plan for our school.  There are items that we deal with on a consistent basis but this process will allow us to look a number of years into the future and anticipate what decisions and priorities would best serve our students and the parent community of PCS.

With all of the possibilities that could potentially lay before us it is important to keep our focus on the mission of the school.  Looking ahead requires sustained attention on the mission and vision of PCS as we do not want to get caught drifting away from our established purpose.  We will continue to filter our choices with our desire to provide a quality, Christ-centered education that will develop the unique gifts of our students so they will be prepared to lead a life of leadership and contribution in service to our God.         ~ Mr. Bouwers

A New Year January 5th, 2015

Welcome back!  As we flip the calendar to a new year and a new month we look ahead to the possibilities and we aim to turn our good intentions into our new reality.  It is not easy for a school or an organization to have a resolution.  That being said, as we look forward to a strategic planning exercise it is important to be very intentional in rooting our best intentions in the mission and vision of PCS.  It is our mission to provide quality education that is centered on Christ and expressed in a biblical worldview.  We do this to develop the gifts of God’s children as each are a unique creation of God.  We pray that in doing so they will be prepared and offered opportunities even now to live lives of Christian service.  As we look to make plans for the future and weigh the possibilities we want to do so in a way that remains consistent with our beliefs and the aim of our school community.  In living out this mission through strategic planning and through the current curriculum we let our light shine.  This is our resolution: to let our light shine before others that they may see our good deeds and praise our Father in heaven.         ~ Mr. Bouwers

The True Light December 15, 2014

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.  He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him.  He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. (John 1: 9-11)

     When we talk about letting our light shine, we think of the true light that gives light to everyone.  Darkness at the time of Christ’s birth came in many forms. The darkness of night had settled in around Bethlehem and that is the most obvious of darkness.  Along with that it was a dark time for the people of Israel.  They lived in an occupied country and were ruled by the Romans, who were not necessarily sympathetic to their plight.  There was the darkness inherent in the oppression as they were exploited.  They were exploited by the Romans and by their “own”.  It was a difficult time, a time of darkness.   It is into this darkness that the light of the world was born.  He is the hope of the nations and our hope as well.  This Christmas may you run to the light and bow before His throne.  This Christmas may your heart be once again convicted to surrender your will and your life to our King of kings.  I pray you have a blessed Christmas and a joyous New Year.         ~ Mr. Bouwers