Monday 26 November 2012

Stepping in Faith November 26, 2012

There has been much talk about the happenings of late at the school as well as plans for the future.  As we look at the school’s current economic reality we need to address a trend of declining enrollment at the school.  We also realize that the best laid plans would be considered fruitless if we did not stay firmly rooted in our trust in God’s faithfulness and ability to provide.  We do not want to lose sight of the fact we are called to bring our community and school to our Lord in prayer and we ask for your continued prayers as we seek God’s will and direction for our school.  The Board has delved deep into this issue and have worked on plans that they believe will help aid this school and its enrollment issues.  The Board, through the Golden Anniversary Fundraising, has addressed facility improvements, tools to enhance the quality of the education, as well as long term planning around the mission of the school to ensure we are doing all we can to aid the school in its existence from year to year.  As we move forward we look to the next steps in this process.  We continue our search for a Director of Recruitment to help spread the word about our school and Christian education.  The Program and Personnel Committee is looking into the development of a band program at the school to help enhance the education of our students.  The Board is also looking at the next steps in regards to a name change at the school.  Tonight there is a motion forward to the membership regarding that name change.  This is reflective of the general consensus from the information meeting that we had on October 22nd and the recommendation at the committee level.  It is the shared opinion of the board that the proposed name change will not only broaden our geographical cache of prospective families and students, but the name Providence also embodies our reliance on our Lord’s leadership and reinforces the Christ-centered vision of the school.  The other proposed name, Grace Community emphasizes our dependence on God’s grace in each and every step we take and, additionally, highlights one of our school’s strongest attributes, the community.  It is this community and the passion for Christian education that we want to share with others. 

Monday 19 November 2012

The Grey Pall November 19, 2012

It is a foggy day today.  The gray pall distorts the landscape and conceals colours as well as details normally seen at a distance.  We do not get to see the complete brilliance of God’s creation but we only see bits and pieces that may not give a true representation of the whole.  It is like a blurry photograph.  Last March I wrote about the progress reports being but a snapshot of our students.  I think it prudent to keep this in mind as today the report cards go home.  If we use the progress reports as our filter for how we view our children then we miss the bigger picture.  It will cloud and fog our minds if we do not recognize that our children’s identity is not anchored in their marks, their specified work habits, or the teacher’s remarks. It is just a snapshot of the child and their real value comes from the fact that they are created in the image of God.  When we see each student in this light helps put the other aspects into the proper context.  May you see the image of our Creator in the lives of the children as we endeavour to clear the fog that may cloud our vision of the bigger picture.  To God be the glory. ~ Mr. Bouwers

Monday 12 November 2012

Of Bazaar and Mission November 12, 2012

I am sure you will read more about the Bazaar in the writings contained in this edition of the Connects but I would not want to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the faithful hand of our Heavenly Father throughout the process.  Last year’s theme focused on God’s faithfulness to us and we continue on in that faithfulness as we trust in the Lord to provide.  Nothing is impossible for our God.  With a statement like that we do not want to undermine our responsibility to work for the Kingdom of God.  The impossible part belongs to the Lord but I believe, quite strongly, that he leaves the possible up to us.  He allows us to partner with him to work for and in His Kingdom even now.  He is the great reconciler, our saviour and redeemer but he loves us so much that he allows us to work through His Spirit for His glory.  I pray that we may continue to work for His glory at this school by carrying out our mission that has been discussed in recent weeks.  The efforts and support at the bazaar will enable us to continue to provide a quality, Christ-centred education, to develop the gifts of the children and prepare them for Christian service.   

Monday 5 November 2012

Prepared for a Life of Christian Service November 5th, 2012

Over the past two weeks we have reviewed different parts of the school mission statement.  The third aspect of the mission statement has an eye to the future.  We provide a quality, Christ centred education and develop the gifts of the students so we can prepare them for a life of leadership and contribution in God’s kingdom, a life of Christian Service.  The only response to all that the Lord has been faithful to do in our lives is to live with gratitude.  If we want to live for the glory of God then we are called to live out our response with a thankful heart by willingly doing the work set for us by our Heavenly Father.  This is our hearts desire, to see our graduates being salt and light in the communities in which the live and move and breath.  We believe these years are foundational in their formation and it sets the stage for them to be conservers of the faith, discerners of the age, and transformers of our culture.  We desire for our students to be a faithful presence in the world.  We will take a look next week how all these aspects come together as it addresses the vision of our school.  To God be the glory ~Mr. Bouwers