Monday 4 November 2013

November 4th, 2013 God's Good Gifts and Magnifying Glasses

Recently I heard a sermon that discussed the difference between faith and the tools we use to examine God’s creation.  These gifts of God have their proper place. We use tools such as technology, science, mathematics, relationships with others, and God’s word to enrich our relationship with God.  As with all gifts there can be a tendency to focus more on the gift rather than the giver.  We are reminded in James 1:17 that God is the giver of all good and perfect gifts and it is by His grace, from above, that we can experience all of this.  The problem we can encounter is that when we delve too deeply in one of the tools or gifts that God has given we can get a distorted view of the Big Picture.  If we start to use these tools to answer the lager worldview questions we run the risk of creating idols out of the tools we’ve been given.  Think about how it would be to walk around with magnifying glasses on.  It would skew our view of what we were looking at.  We may be seeing things big but missing the big picture.  There are times to take a magnifying glass out and take a closer and deeper look but we need to keep the kingdom perspective in mind.  We need to continually acknowledge the giver of those gifts and tools giving God all the glory, and honour and praise.  As we walk through the curriculum with our students we talk with them and walk with them regarding that big picture.  We frame the learning that happens with a Christian worldview that will not forget our Creator, will depend on the Spirit for discernment and reflect the image of His son Jesus. 
May you delve deep in the gifts and tools that God graciously gives us while keeping in perspective His sovereign will and gracious love for us. ~Mr. Bouwers

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