Monday 8 September 2014

September 2, 2014 Let your light Shine

Let your light shine.  The words from Matthew 5:16 follow the Beatitudes with these words, “In the same way…”  This, of course, is referring to putting a light on a stand in the house so everyone can see.  In doing so the light is shared as it casts out the darkness and shadows of every corner in the room.  In the same way, we are called to shine as obvious as a city up on a hill for everyone to see. We are to be that obvious and that bold.  We are called not to hide our light under a bowl but let it shine, all the time.  Jesus reminds us that we are the light of the world.  Let us combine our lights to shine even brighter for our King.  It is written like a command or a task from God, “…let your light shine before men.”  As we unpack what that means at PCS we will discuss the who, what, where, when, why and how of this passage in light of the beatitudes.


We are so thankful to have an amazing God who loves and cares for us and this school.  The staff members are excited to teach and train your children this year.  Welcome back to our returning families and a special welcome to all of our new families.  Ask your child about the new students in their class and find ways to be warm and welcoming to our newest community members.  One way we do this is at the Welcome Back Social on Thursday.  We look forward to seeing you there. ~ Mr. Bouwers

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