Monday 12 September 2016

Surreal Lunch

This summer I had the privilege of helping out at the Christian Teacher’s Academy in August.  I had hoped to talk to a visitor to the Academy that day about some upcoming Professional Development at the school.  I sat down at a table by myself and waited to see if he was available.  During that time, Justin Versteeg, our Vice-Principal, came to sit down beside me.  The other gentleman, Dan Beerens, ended up beside me as well.  A short time later my former high school math teacher joined us at the table with the grade 12 English teacher who taught me some time ago.  Sitting a few tables away was a teacher that taught grade 4 at the elementary school I used to attend and at another table a group of teachers that I started my teaching career with.  And there it was.  That moment when I realized my Christina schooling trajectory was together in one room.  There were those there that helped guide me and taught me along the way.  Dan Beerens was there when I started my leadership journey through ELDI and there was Mr. Versteeg, someone I currently work for.  I think it fits well with our theme this year.  Having been rooted in Christ with a strong Christian school foundation I was able to continue to be built up in Him.  I was taught by some of these wonderful educational saints and my faith was strengthened through them.  I am at the point now where I am overflowing with thankfulness for the gospel and for the impact that Christian education can have.   I am extremely thankful for how the Lord worked in and still works through these people in Christian education and Christian school leadership.  I am thankful to be at  Providence Christian School this year as we explore what it means to be Rooted: Built-Up: Overflowing.  To God be the glory.  

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