Monday 3 June 2013

Learning in context June 3, 2013

I remember my class trip to Upper Canada Village in Morrisburg, Ontario.  I distinctly remember walking through the dusty village and learning about washing clothes on the wash board and churning butter. It was a hot day and I was hoping we could go for a swim but that was not in the cards. I remember my trip in grade 2 to the Veterinary Clinic as well as my trip to the Hersey factory in Smith Falls, Ontario.  I think I can remember almost every field trip I have been on, even the ones as a teacher.   These are some of the things that stick with students for a lifetime, the experiences they have on a field trip seems to embed itself differently in a student.  Field trips provide the students with the opportunity to contextualize learning and students are able to quickly attach what they learn to the proper framework.   It exposes them to learning experiences that cannot be replicated in the classroom.  It creates a rich context for the different topics and provides them with learning that is visual, auditory and hands on.  Field trips can also provide students with service learning opportunities that help us show the love of Christ.  These trips can also provide community building opportunities to establish a relational foundation in the class or community.  This coming week there are numerous field trips that provide multiple opportunities to learn in various ways.  It is another avenue of learning that aids us in providing a quality, Christ-centered education, to develop the gifts of God’s children and prepare them for a life of leadership and contribution in service to the King.  Can you remember any of your field trips?

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