Monday 8 June 2015

Community Math March 24, 2015

It is good to hear the noise of students in the hall once again.  It really adds to the atmosphere of the school building.  This year we have taken the time to review our math curriculum.  Each year there is a different part of our curriculum on review to ensure that we are aligned with what needs to be taught and to evaluate our current program.  We are excited to move forward with an updated program after evaluating the current program, meeting with high school teachers, exploring different options, visiting different schools and putting forward a proposal that addresses the shifts we need to make in our program. 

With math on my mind I thought I would do some “elementary” math to talk about our wonderful school.  MasterCard used this method in their advertising to some degree of success a few years back and continues to run contests with the same moniker.  They would add up a bunch of different elements and call it “Priceless”.  It may look like #PricelessSchool.

178 Sensational Students + 87 Faithful Families
+ 17 Extraordinary Staff Members + 6 Dedicated Bus Drivers
+ Multiple Supporters = 1 Amazing Community!

This is but a short list.  I could go on and on about the Board, the different committees, volunteers, Christian organizations and churches that help make Providence Christian School a beautiful community.  Thank you for doing your part and we look forward to sharing our story in the weeks to come. ~ Mr. Bouwers

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